What to Expect After FUE?

After you undergo your New Jersey FUE transplant, you’ll be free to leave the clinic and recover comfortably at home.

This is a remarkably low maintenance procedure, and most people describe it as relatively comfortable with the average return to work at about 1 week. Though recovery instructions are simple, it’s helpful to know what to expect and to have a list of tips to refer to in the first days and weeks. Though your hair transplant surgeon is your best source for guidelines that pertain specifically to you, this list may be helpful as well to ensure you’re on the right track.

1. Elevate your head when lounging and sleeping. It can be uncomfortable to prop up the head, so we recommend putting books under the frame of your bed or the mattress at the head, so it firmly and gently slopes up. Head and shoulders elevated between 30-45 degrees will help keep swelling down and ease scalp pressure or discomfort.

2. You may need to place a towel under your head and across the headboard to cushion it. The implant sites may ooze slightly, and this is expected throughout the first 24 hours.

3. Shower and gently cleanse the scalp with the rinsing techniques your surgeon gives you. You’ll need to do this a few times throughout the first 24 hours to keep the scalp clean and free of debris.

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The Recovery Process

4. Avoid touching or scratching your scalp. This instruction is vital, but it can be difficult to comply with since itching is a natural part of the healing process. As your grafts take hold and establish themselves, you may feel sensations which are distracting or uncomfortable. Talk to your surgeon, and they can prescribe topical solutions and oral, anti-itch medication if necessary.

5. Within the first week after FUE in New Jersey, you’ll have an appointment to see your surgeon and it’s essential you keep it. While you can talk on the phone and search for advice online, nothing beats an in-person assessment with your hair transplant surgeon to ensure you have no signs of infection and your healing is on track.

6. Keep your scalp covered with a soft hat for the first week or two. This will help prevent you from absent-mindedly touching or scratching the scalp, and it’s critical to protect the healing area from the sun. On an on-going basis, even after you’ve healed at about the 10-day mark, wear sunblock and sun protection whenever outdoors. Incisions will be virtually invisible after your New jersey FUE treatment, but UV light exposure on fresh scars can lead to permanent hyperpigmentation (darkening.)

7. After 4 weeks you can dye your hair, use any hair products you wish and return to all aerobic activity. You’ll see wispy new hairs growing in within a few months and growth which can actually be styled around 6 months. Between 12-18 months, full results are realized.

If you have questions about your hair transplant, we welcome you to call us at the Nova Medical Hair Transplant.

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Hair Transplant Process

The FUE process is an advanced next-generation hair transplant micro-surgery. Click on the steps to get a simplified overview. For more details particular to your case, please consult with our doctor.

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