Hair Transplant Will Teach You 5 Things

Continue To Look Like Yourself. Your Best Self.

What is Hair Transplant

Whether due to aging or genetics, a majority of men dread the day that they begin to notice a receding hairline or bald spot forming.

Because of natural hormone variances, male pattern baldness is inevitable for many. But why does it seem that the wealthy, successful and stylish men in our society don’t suffer from this common problem? For many years, exclusive access to the latest in medical aesthetic advancements has ensured A-list men and women have thick, luxurious hair. But, at the Nova Medical Hair Transplant Clinic, we offer real, regular people the highest quality NJ hair transplant solutions and treat each and every client like a celebrity.

During the decision-making process, most clients gain an in-depth education about hair loss and viable solutions. There are at least 5 things a hair transplant will teach you.

Not many people know what a hair transplant is

It may come as a surprise, but not many people are aware of the possibility of transplanting hair follicles or a hair transplant. Some people might have a misunderstanding about what a hair transplant is, such as:

  • Shaving off hair from one part of your scalp and gluing it to the area that is experiencing balding
  • Using hair from another person who is not having hair loss problems and attaching it to your own scalp
  • Removing hair with the scalp and transplanting scalp

Fortunately, these are only assumptions. A hair transplant is a safe, effective and natural-looking solution for hair loss. A hair transplant is a popular method for restoring hair to those who are experiencing significant hair loss by the means of the follicular unit extraction (FUE) or follicular unit transplant (FUT) technique. Using either the strip method or the Neograft system, we carry out microsurgery to harvest individual hair follicles from a donor area of the scalp, then implant the grafts into the recipient area. This technique has a high success rate and does not leave a scar or noticeable donor area of the scalp. Thus, it is a very good option for anyone who is currently suffering from hair loss and baldness.

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FUE Survey

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Have you considered options for a hair transplant, but you aren’t sure what the procedure involves or if it is the right choice for you? Answer a few simple questions to see if you are a good candidate for FUE Hair Transplant.

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Things a Hair Transplant Will Teach You

A hair transplant really, really works

Before a undergoing a hair transplant procedure, it is understandable to have doubts about the effectiveness. However, with the right doctor and an appropriate treatment strategy, you can get extraordinary results with up to a 91% “take” rate and permanent hair you can wash, cut and style to reflect your personality.

Undergoing a hair transplant can transform your life

While some men are able to pull off the shaved look, many people will find that hair loss and balding to be one of the hardest physical adjustments they have to go through. Hair has always played a significant role in our self-perception, appearance and style. Without your hair, you can notice negative changes in career and romantic prospects. A hair transplant that restores your hair and erases any evidence of hair loss can help you regain confidence to go after the things you want in life.

No one will be able to notice your hair transplant

At the Nova Medical Hair Transplant Clinic, we take pride in our ability to create natural-looking results through NJ hair transplants that are flawless to the untrained eye.

Be modest with your new hair

After experiencing significant hair loss, most clients are delighted to begin styling their hair again, but bear in mind that some hairstyles are more suitable than others depending on your hair density and type. Not everyone can pull off the romantic, long-haired look of a romance novel cover model. You’ve taken years off of your appearance and restored thicker, healthier looking hair, but part of achieving a natural look is to be realistic and continue to look like yourself. Your best self.

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Learning Center

Why is The Popularity of Hair Transplant in NJ Increasing?

Why is The Popularity of Hair Transplant in NJ Increasing?

NJ hair transplant stigma is decreasing. Why? The surge in surgical hair restoration popularity may have to do with the increasingly natural results that are ...
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Hair Transplant in NJ: Hair Loss Advancements in 2019

Hair Transplant in NJ: Hair Loss Advancements in 2019

The demand for hair transplants in NJ isn’t diminishing. In fact, this popular cosmetic surgery is increasingly common for men and women, though the signs ...
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Hair Transplant NJ: What You Need To Know About Hair Loss & Dandruff

Hair Transplant NJ: What You Need To Know About Hair Loss & Dandruff

With plenty of hair loss causes, there are also numerous misconceptions about how we lose it. Those seeking more information about hair transplants in NJ ...
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Hair Transplant NJ: What Can Cause Female Hair Loss?

Hair Transplant NJ: What Can Cause Female Hair Loss?

You may have heard that women suffer from “pattern baldness” too. However, it’s also apparent that females have a different pattern, progression and frequency of ...
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Hair Transplant Process

The FUE process is an advanced next-generation hair transplant micro-surgery. Click on the steps to get a simplified overview. For more details particular to your case, please consult with our doctor.

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