Can You Cover Your Head After A Hair Transplant In New Jersey?

Hair transplant is the most common cosmetic surgery sought by men in New Jersey owing to its rapidly increasing popularity and the positive impact of hair restoration on societal perception of youth, attractiveness, and professional and social success.

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If you are considering opting for this hair restoration method to get permanent and long-lasting results then you must be familiar with all the respective steps mandatory for a successful result.

In this blog we will go over exactly what you can expect after your hair transplant as well as some things that you can and cannot do to ensure the best results from your procedure.

What To Expect After A Hair Transplant In New Jersey?

Hair transplant is not limited to the operation alone and demands a firm commitment and compliance to the post-op care and healing phase to get the desirable results. Therefore, it is necessary to educate and counsel patients about post-operative care during the first few days, weeks and initial months. In addition to this general information about dos and don’ts is also required for protecting the fragile hair grafts from harsh circumstances because any sort of negligence in this regard can directly affect the outcome.

After your hair transplant surgery, you will be asked to attend follow-up checkups and during those sessions, all queries will be answered and your progress would be monitored.
Right after the procedure, the hair grafts will be extremely sensitive and should not come in contact with dirt, sweat, dryness, sun exposure, hypothermia and other pollutants.

What Are The Consequences If You Are Not Careful?

If you do not pay heed to these simple directions above, you could dislodge your transplanted grafts and negatively influence their survival rate. You could potentially slow down the recovery phase and may have to go through another surgery to accomplish your desired outcomes.

If you don’t safeguard your scalp with a suitable hat or cap when going outside, the worst-case scenario could be an infection caused by the dirt entering the wounds that haven’t been healed completely yet.

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How Soon Can I Cover My Head After A Hair Transplant?

The main reason behind people asking to cover their head post-transplant is the unpleasant sight of scabs, swelling, and redness that develop after the surgery and make them feel nervous about their appearance during the first few days and weeks. During the recovery phase, people would like to cover their heads to feel more comfortable and confident by hiding the bleeding marks and scabs. However, it is not recommended to put any solid thing that could physically hurt the hair grafts for at least the first five days.

Most surgeons or experts will advise you to wait for at least 10-14 days after your surgery so that the hair grafts have enough time to settle and take root in the recipient zone. Each follicle requires a certain environment, temperature, pH balance, and physical conditions to grow safely without any hindrance to provide optimal results. That is why it is recommended that you should avoid wearing any headgear for 7-10 days and before 10 days you can wear a loose-fitting hat in such a way that the hair follicles do not come in contact with the fibres or surface of the hat.

After 10-14 days it is usually considered safer to cover the head but experts strictly prohibit applying any kind of pressure on your scalp for the first 3 months after your hair transplant because any damage to the hair follicles will negatively affect the outcome and can lead to the formation of bald patches and uneven hair growth that can disrupt the whole recovery process after the hair transplant surgery.

How To Cover Your Head Safely After A Hair Transplant?

It’s always recommended that you should avoid wearing any sort of head cover for the first two weeks at least but if you are determined to wear a hat then following directions should be followed:

  • Wear a head cover advised by your expert or a fisherman’s hat with loose fitting and breathable fabric for protection of the scalp. Patients are allowed to wear this headgear from 2nd post-op day after the hair transplant.
  • While wearing a head cap never use one hand to wear and take off the cap and don’t do it hurriedly but make sure that you use both of your hands and slowly take off or put on the cap without scratching your scalp and damaging the hair grafts.
  • Always opt for loose, wide, soft, and comfortable headwear, and avoid tight-fitting, hard- surfaced caps and hoodies.

Life is not perfect
But your hair can be

When Should You Cover Your Head After A Hair Transplant?

~2 minutes read

It is usually recommended to leave the head uncovered for the first two weeks after the hair transplant or use a specialized hat advised by the expert to ensure healthful and unharmed hair growth without causing any irritation to the grafts. But in some circumstances the patients are advised to observe the importance of covering their head after hair transplant. And they are as follows:

Sun Exposure

After a hair transplant, the scalp becomes very sensitive, and irritated which mandates provisions of additional supervision. Exposure to sunlight and UV rays is not recommended for the first two weeks because the high frequency and amplitude of the radiation can disrupt the fragile outer cellular layer of the strand and follicles of the hair. If you don’t shield your scalp from the sun rays you may increase the chance of sunburns and slow-down with the recovery process. Moreover, being under the sun for a long time can stimulate sweat production which results in infections and the proliferation of bacteria in wounds. Therefore, it is important to wrap your head by wearing a headdress or cap after hair transplant. You can also opt for a loose hat after talking with the clinic.

In Atmospheric Pollution

The micro cuts created on the scalp and other micro-injuries require some time to get healed fully. To strengthen the shaft of the strands and hair follicles it is advised to protect the hair grafts from dust, smoke, toxins, and chemicals suspended in the air due to pollution. If you cover your head when you encounter any dusty atmosphere to avoid any quantity of dirt to build up on the wounds you can also avoid any infections.

In Harsh Weather Conditions

The effects of humidity and wind on the grafts after hair transplant are not as hazardous as sunlight. But, in severe weather conditions safety is a must. Being under heavy rain and powerful air currents without wearing anything to protect your head could make the grafts dislodge from their position.

This is during the first week after hair transplant when the grafts are still acclimating to the tissues. You can avoid this by either wearing a hat or taking advantage of an umbrella to keep your grafts secure.

What Are Some Of The Precautions Needed Following A Hair Transplant?

Our experts in New Jersey will recommend a special head cover designed to protect your scalp from any harmful exposure and stimulus whenever you step outside or during your journey back home. This headcover also protects vulnerable hair grafts for the first five days from environmental factors like dust, dirt, sun, wind, humidity, and physical damage. However, after 7-10 days you can wear any type of headgear under certain conditions such as:

  • Not wearing a headwear that is too tight or suffocating for the hair follicle grafts.
  • Selecting a headwear that is loose, wide, and has a breathable non-sticky fabric.
  • Headwear should not be worn for more than 6 hours.
  • The fabric should be soft and without any blunt and sharp edges.
  • Be careful about the hygiene of the headwear, it should not be dirty or sweaty.
  • Wash your headwear regularly to eliminate the likelihood of any sort of infection.
  • Always put on the headwear carefully and also take it off cautiously.

Can I Wear A Helmet After My Hair Transplant?

After 3 weeks of your hair restoration surgery, you can consider wearing a helmet or cap as the transplanted area will be entirely recovered and grafts will thoroughly adhere to your scalp.

The hair grafts are very delicate and susceptible to injury so you should avoid any sort of hat and helmet on the scalp before two weeks. Abrupt pressure force will damage the roots and due to this the hair follicles can break down. After hair transplant, your scalp tends to be more exposed and sensitive so anything hard can harm the hair roots. Wearing hats or helmets can also make your scalp sweat profusely which can be dangerous for your scalp.

That said, if you are unsure of what you can wear after your hair transplant, simply ask our Nova Medical Hair Transplant experts and we would be happy to walk you through what you can and cannot do to ensure the best outcomes.

If you have any more inquiries about the healing process that follows a hair transplant in New Jersey, please do not hesitate to get in touch with our specialists by giving them a call or filling out a contact form. We will get back to you as soon as possible.


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3 Winslow Pl,
Paramus, NJ 07652
Phone: (201) 909-3777
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42A-B East 74th Street,
New York, NY 10021
Phone: (212) 362-9861
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