Things You Should Not Do After A Beard Transplant In New Jersey
If you’re considering a beard transplant in New Jersey, you undoubtedly have a lot of questions about what you can and cannot do after the treatment. We created this blog in order to help you better comprehend the procedure and provide you some advice on what you shouldn’t do afterward.
How Do Beard Hair Transplants Work?
A FUE beard transplant in New Jersey is a popular technique frequently used by surgeons or technicians because it can easily harvest individual hair follicles one by one from the donor region and transplant them to a balding area of the scalp or face. This is a meticulous procedure that can in fact help new hair grow in areas of the beard that were balding or looked thinner than other areas. A beard transplant is a secure surgical method that delivers permanent outcomes. There is a spectrum of beard styles for you to select from, according to the regions of your jawline and face you want to treat. You can predict and expect your transplanted hair to function as normal, and you’ll be able to trim and shave your new beard as you usually would.
The most important thing is to not be too self-conscious and leave the area alone for the first few days. That can be a task for you because you might notice crusting, blood and debris along with itchiness as the area starts to heal. The following are some of the instructions about what should be avoided during your recovery phase after a beard transplant:
Avoid Scratching
After the beard transplant, the first few days will be challenging for you because your face will have a lot of dried blood-smudges, scabs, redness and inflammation. Some people have compulsive behaviour of touching their face but after a beard hair transplant it is strictly prohibited to touch your face with your hand or any tool. The formation of scabs is a natural healing phenomena after your facial skin has been pierced with multiple grafts so do not attempt to take off the scabs and let them peel off naturally. During this phase you may feel a tingling or itching sensation on the areas where grafts are transplanted which is normal but you need to refrain yourself from itching.
Avoid Washing And Cleansing
It is important to get familiar with the face washing guidelines recommended by your expert as your post-op care regimen. During the first 48 hours, you need to avoid washing your face or getting your face wet in any way. First 5 days are critical so cleaning or washing is prohibited to avoid any harm to the newly transplanted hair grafts. After 3-5 days you will be allowed to gently cleanse your face with the help of prescribed soap and cleansers, rinse water carefully and do not rub a towel or any other cloth on the skin; but delicately dab a gauze piece to soak excess water.
Regarding the donor area on the scalp, do not use pressure showers or very hot water, and only use gentle medicated shampoos prescribed by your expert to protect your hair from any harsh chemicals. If scabs do not fall off after 7 days then you can apply conditioner or emollient to soften them and relieve the itching.
In addition to this apply antibacterial ointment regularly and make sure that your hands, clothes, sheets, towels etc are sterilised and clean to avoid any likelihood of infections.
Avoid Wearing Face Masks Or Headgear
The main reason behind people asking to cover their donor area on the scalp and recipient area on the beard post-transplant is the unpleasant sight of scabs, swelling, and redness that develop after the surgery which makes them feel nervous about their appearance during the first few days and weeks. During the recovery phase, people would like to cover their heads to feel more comfortable and confident by hiding the bleeding marks and scabs. However, it is not recommended to put any solid thing that could physically hurt the hair grafts for at least the first five days.
Most experts will advise you to wait for at least 10-14 days after your surgery so that the hair grafts have enough time to settle and take root in the recipient zone. For that reason, it’s extremely important to not touch, or add unnecessary pressure to the grafts to ensure that they take and heal properly.
Avoid Sun Exposure
After a beard transplant in NJ, the scalp becomes very sensitive which mandates the requirement of additional management. Exposure to sunlight and UV rays is not recommended for the first two weeks because the high frequency and amplitude of the radiation can disrupt the fragile outer cellular layer of the strand and follicles of the hair.
If you don’t shield your scalp and beard from the sun rays you may increase the chance of sunburns and slow down the recovery process. Moreover, being in the sun for a long time can stimulate sweat production which results in infections and the proliferation of bacteria in wounds.
Avoid Alcohol Consumption And Smoking Cigarettes
Alcohol is a diuretic and it takes the water out of the body by pressure diuresis so it will dehydrate you easily. This can extend your healing time and augment your risk of distress. Moreover, it can raise your blood pressure to a dangerous level and decrease the supply of blood and vital nutrients to your face and scalp. You need to avoid alcohol for the first five days after your procedure. Hydrate yourself with plenty of water, juices and fluids.
If you smoke then make an effort to stop smoking for a few months before your hair transplantation. Depending on your routinely documented blood pressure, smoking could elevate your blood pressure to a harmful level. We all know that blood circulation is crucial for the growth of new, healthy hair. Refrain from nicotine, such as e-liquids, cigarettes, cigars, nicotine gum, and nicotine patches, for the 4 weeks days after your treatment.
Do Not Use Beard Dyes
You cannot dye or color your beard within 30 days of your hair transplantation. However, there is no harm or negative side effects related to coloring your hair before your hair transplant procedure, but later, the harsh chemicals found in hair dye can jeopardize the success of the transplanted follicles.
No Shaving And Trimming
You should avoid using any sharp tool before 10 days so shaving or trimming your beard is prohibited for the first two weeks. It is essential to wait for the transplanted hair to grasp onto the scalp and face before shaving for the first time. An inaccurate hasty trimming may result in the transplanted hair shedding off because the hair follicles are still not tenable in the first 2 weeks.
Hair restoration specialists suggest shaving your hair 1-1.5 months after the procedure. Hair shaving, even with a scissor, before 1 month’s duration may induce loss of some of your hair follicles. However, after 1 month, the transplanted hair will be safe. Therefore, there will be no hazard of hair transplant failure.
It is advised to trim the hair from the ends with scissors for the first time after hair transplantation and 2-3 months after the procedure, you can shave with a shaving machine.
Avoid Tight Clothing
During the first few days after your procedure, you’ll want to dress as comfortably as possible. Staying relaxed as you recover is key. However, you will also want to avoid any pullover-style shirts that might tug on the grafts as you put them on.
T-shirts, sweatshirts, and sweaters are all comfortable. But they could also compromise your results. Try button-up or zip-up shirts while your incisions heal to prevent complications.
Avoid Going Back To Work Too Soon
The beard transplant is an outpatient treatment procedure and you may decide to go home the same day but the experts let you go on one condition that you would wait at least 3 days before joining your work so that both the donor area and the recipient area have been adequately recovered and settled.
However, it is crucial to point out that from the aesthetic aspect, it is advised that you should wait at least 1 week since the redness and inflammation in both areas will still be evident on the 3rd day, although with less magnitude.
Roughly around 2-3 weeks after the beard transplant surgery, all of the donor’s hair will shed off– This is natural and transient. From there your new hair will finally grow in.
Avoid Sleeping On Your Stomach
To reduce the likelihood of swelling, you must not sleep flat on your tummy and keep your head raised for the first seven days post-treatment. Some patients think that they only need to sleep with their heads elevated for a few days. But one thing should be kept in mind that not everyone experiences swelling after hair implants. If you find you are experiencing mild swelling, then it is recommended that you should prop up your head up to 45 degrees. Always use clean and sterilized bedsheets and pillows to avoid any infections.
Avoid Strenuous Exercise
You should not engage yourself with any kind of workout for the first four days after the beard transplant. The reason behind this is that with the stress of exercise the metabolism and cellular activity is enhanced and it stimulates sweat and sebum production. This sweat promotes the formation of a humid environment around the hair follicles and provides bacteria with an ideal growth medium and as a result, the risk of infection is increased drastically. Moreover, sweat should never be dried or wiped out using your hand or handkerchief to avoid physical trauma to the hair follicles. You can lightly dab the accumulated sweat and oil with the help of gauze.
The hair follicles require time to grow consistently and should be supplied with adequate nutrients and oxygen. A light exercise program can be initiated two weeks after the procedure. Strenuous training should only be continued after at least four weeks.
Boosting your
…one graft at a time
Learn More About The Beard Hair Transplant Recovery Process In New Jersey
If you have any more inquiries about the healing process that follows a beard hair transplant, please do not hesitate to get in touch with the professionals working at Nova Medical Hair Transplant in New Jersey. We will be more than pleased to respond to any and all of your inquiries. Because being as well prepared as you can be for your hair transplant is of the utmost importance, we will give you all the time you need to ensure that you are as prepared as possible. Simply give us a call or submit an online contact form, and we will do all in our power to assist you!